Responsibilities of the POD Members
Pod Duties 2024 2025
Each month a different group of Rotarians, known as a POD, are selected to run the meetings for that month. Two individuals will be selected as co-chairs and are responsible for the overall organization of the meeting. Click on the link to see the 2024/2025POD chairs and their teams. The responsibilities of all POD members include the following:
- Arrange & book speakers
- Work with Nancy Gilbert to ensure the details of each meeting is posted online.
- Communicate with the speaker regarding audio visual requirements and arrange for necessary equipment. (Chris Demerino)
- Collect dinner money from Rotarians.
- Provide a member who will introduce the speaker to all the members of the club. Obtain short biography from speaker for introduction.
- Provide speaker with timing of 20 min for presentation and 5 min for q & a.
- Provide someone who will thank the speaker.
- Assist with clean up at the end of the night.
POD members are encouraged to be creative in making the meeting entertaining and informative for all members.